Tim Ten Yen would place "gentle, quintessential Englishman" on the plaque of his office door in his own unique order of definition. If you cross a suit, with off-shore pirate pop radio, performance art and what the Flight Of The Conchords would be if they took their tongue out of their cheek is what Tim Ten Yen whirls up into one rare and unique treat: a singing salaryman at your front door and not selling anything but charm. Only one man like this dresses straight from work in his smart suit to the studio to provide for his Karaoke Pop generation. 'Karaoke Pop music [with a capital 'K' and 'P'] has a genuine heart to it,' Mr Yen explains, 'It's not dispensable, it's essential. Karaoke Pop doesn't sound quite like anything that's come before it'. And the fruits of his industrious labour and whimsical brainwaves have moulded together for a musical trip down a yellow brick road of tins for drums and straw for guitar strings.
Sunday 22nd April 2012
Tim Ten Yen @ The Bull & Gate 05:00pm - FREEStuntfox Presents The Front Room
Tim Ten Yen @ The Bull & Gate 05:00pm - FREEStuntfox Presents The Front Room
Friday 28th October 2011
The Wave Pictures
Tim Ten Yen
Count To Fire @ The Bull & Gate 08:00pm - £10 advanceJohn Peel Night In Association With Tapestry
Tim Ten Yen
Count To Fire @ The Bull & Gate 08:00pm - £10 advanceJohn Peel Night In Association With Tapestry
Friday 30th September 2011
Dingus Khan
Mayor Mcca
Easter Sun
Tim Ten Yen @ The Bull & Gate 08:00pm - £5Plus Tapestry Djs / Club Fandango Disco 'til 1am.
Mayor Mcca
Easter Sun
Tim Ten Yen @ The Bull & Gate 08:00pm - £5Plus Tapestry Djs / Club Fandango Disco 'til 1am.
Tuesday 21st June 2011
Piney Gir
Tim Ten Yen
Charlie & The Martyrs
Tall Poppies @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Tim Ten Yen
Charlie & The Martyrs
Tall Poppies @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Tuesday 17th May 2011
Tim Ten Yen
The Superficial
Jim'll's Brain @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Tim Ten Yen
The Superficial
Jim'll's Brain @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Tuesday 19th April 2011
Tim Ten Yen
Marble Fairy
Patrick James Pearson @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Marble Fairy
Patrick James Pearson @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £5 / £4 advance / flyer
Tuesday 15th March 2011
Alexander's Festival Hall
Tim Ten Yen
Jim'll's Brain @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tim Ten Yen
Jim'll's Brain @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tuesday 15th February 2011
Paul Hawkins And Thee Awkward Silences
Tim Ten Yen
Charlie Alexander @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tim Ten Yen
Charlie Alexander @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tim Ten Yen
Pretty Guts @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £5The Big Day In Press Launch
Tuesday 18th January 2011
Paul Hawkins (solo)
Tim Ten Yen
Seerauber Jenny @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyerRadio Nowhere
Tim Ten Yen
Seerauber Jenny @ The Bull & Gate 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyerRadio Nowhere
Tim Ten Yen @ Bucks Students' Union 07:45pm - £5 / free for Bucks' students
Tuesday 1st December 2009
Tim Ten Yen
Easter Sun
Bleeding Heart Narrative
The Rules @ Buffalo Bar 07:45pm - £5 / £4 with flyerFandango Xmas Party In Assoc Last.fm + the Boy (dj Set)
Easter Sun
Bleeding Heart Narrative
The Rules @ Buffalo Bar 07:45pm - £5 / £4 with flyerFandango Xmas Party In Assoc Last.fm + the Boy (dj Set)
Wednesday 22nd October 2008
Nice Peter
Tim Ten Yen
Jo Webb & The Dirty Hands
The Bridport Dagger @ 229 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyerTim Ten Yen Album Launch Joy
Tim Ten Yen
Jo Webb & The Dirty Hands
The Bridport Dagger @ 229 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyerTim Ten Yen Album Launch Joy
Tim Ten Yen
Gideon Conn @ The Dublin Castle 07:45pm - £7Tim Ten Yen Single Launch Party!
Saturday 4th October 2008
Pete & The Pirates
The Wave Pictures
Tim Ten Yen @ Bucks Students' Union 07:45pm - £7.50+ The Horrors Djs
The Wave Pictures
Tim Ten Yen @ Bucks Students' Union 07:45pm - £7.50+ The Horrors Djs
Wednesday 3rd September 2008
Robots In Disguise
Black Affair
Kid Carpet
(we Are) Performance
Tim Ten Yen @ 229 07:45pm - £126 Bands / 2 Stages
Black Affair
Kid Carpet
(we Are) Performance
Tim Ten Yen @ 229 07:45pm - £126 Bands / 2 Stages
Friday 25th July 2008
Tim Ten Yen
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Yokozuna @ The Wilmington Arms 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Yokozuna @ The Wilmington Arms 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Wednesday 14th May 2008
The Rgbs
Volcanoless In Canada
Tim Ten Yen
Flykkiller @ 229 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Volcanoless In Canada
Tim Ten Yen
Flykkiller @ 229 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Friday 15th February 2008
The Cordelier Club
Tim Ten Yen
Cathead @ The Wilmington Arms 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tim Ten Yen
Cathead @ The Wilmington Arms 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Wednesday 11th July 2007
Shut Your Eyes And You'll Burst Into Flames
Tim Ten Yen @ The Fly 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Tim Ten Yen @ The Fly 07:45pm - £6 / £5 with flyer
Wednesday 30th May 2007
Imperial Leisure
Je Suis Animal
Lights. Action!
Tim Ten Yen @ The Water Rats 07:45pm - £7 / £6 with flyer
Je Suis Animal
Lights. Action!
Tim Ten Yen @ The Water Rats 07:45pm - £7 / £6 with flyer
Thursday 22nd February 2007
Tim Ten Yen
The Far Cries @ The Borderline 07:45pm - £8.50#2 With Fleet Street Records
Tim Ten Yen
The Far Cries @ The Borderline 07:45pm - £8.50#2 With Fleet Street Records
Wednesday 13th December 2006
Hush The Many (heed The Few)
Alberta Cross
Tim Ten Yen @ The Borderline 07:45pm - £8 / £7 with flyerIn Association With Bbc 6 Music & Bmi
Hush The Many (heed The Few)
Alberta Cross
Tim Ten Yen @ The Borderline 07:45pm - £8 / £7 with flyerIn Association With Bbc 6 Music & Bmi
Monday 30th November 2009
Important Information: Tim Ten Yen Debut Album Out Today
Monday 20th October 2008
Runaround Getaround: Tim Ten Yen Single Out Today
Monday 6th October 2008
Good Grief, It's Tim Ten Yen
Friday 25th July 2008
Tim Ten Yen Chats To Fandango
Thursday 28th June 2007