Or, in their own words: “Combining diverse influences and sensibilities from each member's backgrounds and tastes White Giant create a sound which can quickly change from subtle textures and melodies to controlled chaos and back again never missing a beat.”
Those diverse influences converge on acts like Bonobo, LCD Soundsystem and Rage Against The Machine. This inevitably means that one single White Giant song can incorporate a multitude of moodswings and maddening styles, propelled ever onwards by Kieran’s spectacularly fluid, ricocheting guitar lines. Live, it’s a hypnotic, heavyweight, near-abstract experience - massively engaging, whilst also quietly enraged. Little wonder that both Coasts and Royal Blood enthused about the White Giant sound, each saying they were the best support band on their respective tours.
The ‘Knife’ single is a prime example of their upbeat, but down-at-heel alt.rock gumbo: there’s a flash of Foals, a pinch of Placebo and a buttload of angst: “‘Knife’ is a track that encapsulates the “fuck it” attitude you need to have to get over a problem,” they muse. “It’s a going-out-and-forgetting-about-your-issues by having-a-few-too-many-drinks type of tune. It’s a reaction rather than a considered choice and that’s the way we write music: if we try and come in with preconceived ideas and track outlines it rarely works, we work best on gut reactions and ‘Knife’ embodies that whole mindset.
“We have an almost ‘competitive’ approach to creating and rehearsing music,” they beam, angrily. “We go in for six hours and don’t come out until we either have 3 or 4 new song outlines or physically can’t play anymore - it’s like training session for us.”
Over the past year White Giant have been painting London Town a suitably angry shade of red, flaunting their wares at the Old Blue Last and Shacklewell Arms with the likes of Habitats, Get Inuit, JaJa OK, Desperate Journalist and Vestals. You’ll have spotted them pretty easily – they’re the ones twitching in the corner, ever ready for action.
“We’re not a ‘slow jam’ or shoegaze band,” decide White Giant with gigantic understatement. “We’ve always had our own sound and our ethos is that we always treat every gig the same - no matter how small or large, our job is to play as tightly and energetically as possible and get people on board with us.”

White Giant @ The Borderline 07:00pm - £6 advanceHabitats Biggest Headline Show To Date
14+ Show

White Giant
Keiandra @ Sebright Arms 08:00pm - £6 / £5 advanceTuska Single Launch Show

Piano Wire
White Giant @ Boston Music Room 07:30pm - £8 / £6 advancePandamonium Festival 2016

Gold Celeste
White Giant @ Sebright Arms 08:00pm - £6 / £5 advanceIngrooves Live Presents

White Giant @ Sebright Arms 07:45pm - £4 advanceNgod Single Launch Show

Joy Atlas
White Giant @ The Shacklewell Arms 08:00pm - £6 / £5 advance / flyerFierce Panda & Disorder Presents
Jaja Ok 'give Me Your Money' Single Launch

Wild Cat Strike
White Giant
Oh Boy! @ The Old Blue Last 08:00pm - FREEIngrooves Live Presents...the Death Of Pop 'bubble Bath' Ep Launch Show

White Giant
Skies @ The Shacklewell Arms 08:00pm - £6 advance

White Giant @ The Shacklewell Arms 08:00pm - FREEDisorder & Club Fandango Presents
Habitats 'diamond Days' Ep Launch (released 9th Feb)
Itchy Teeth
White Giant
Trecco Beis @ 229 07:45pm - £5 advanceLondon Met And Fistevil Presents... Live Music, Dance, Poetry And Much More.

White Giant
Zulu Pearls @ The Black Heart 08:00pm - £4 advancePandamonium - Day 3
Club Fandango Supported By Music Week Presents

White Giant
The Away Days @ The Old Blue Last 07:45pm - FREEDisorder Presents
Mat Motte
The Run-up
Tape Runs Out @ Buffalo Bar 08:00pm - £6 / £5 advance
Friday 13th May 2016
White Giant Support Ngod At Free Entry Show - 12 Feb
Monday 8th February 2016
White Giant - Knife - Out Now!
Monday 7th September 2015
White Giant Set For Debut Single ' Knife' +launch Show
Thursday 3rd September 2015
Pandamonium 2015 - Day 2 - 8 Jan With White Giant
Tuesday 30th December 2014