Affluenza started life in 2003 as Seasons Of Six with guitarists Marcel Contreras. After many line up changes they crossed paths with bassist Velvet Cuts in 2006 and then recorded the "Hunger For Yourself" EP. Cletus Van Damme joined later in 2007 and with the line up completed by Zack in mid 2008. The band notched up some live performances throughout 2007/8, concluding at Witchfest in South Africa supporting Carcass. In November 2008 the band changed the name to Affluenza. After a short period of adjustment the band honed their sound as a four piece and set to work on recording three tracks for the "Dead Eyes That The Devil Sold" EP as featured here on Myspace. Throughout this time the band continued to play numerous gigs, including a double self organize U.K. tour. So far in 2009 Affluenza's songs have featured heavily on Total rock radio and Phoenix Radio, with Various live appearances on air, and many show around London and U.K. Set to record they debut album as AffluenzA, and release on 2010. And so the story continues....Featuring two members of Pure Negative they are now more aggressive than ever.