Glam Chops
Glam Chops played their debut gig at Guided Missile Club in March (under the moniker Paranoid Dog Bark). Glam Chops have since emerged as front runners of this summer's glam rock revival. Inbetween times, the groups members can be seen performing in various side projects such as David Devant & His Spirit Wife and Art Brut. Live, they appear with the sensational Panthergirls. Glam Chops are available for gigs / festivals throughout 2008. Glam Chops are an orthodox Glam Rock outfit. Glam Chops only formed in spring 2008 and AS YET have no Label, Management or Booking Agent. Band members: Eddie Argos (vocals, guitar), Mikey Georgeson aka The Vessel (vocals, guitar), Tim Purr (vocals, guitar), Paul Guided Missile (vocals, bass guitar), Arec G Litter (vocals, saxophone), Steve Gilchrist On Drums (vocals, drums), the Panther Girls (vocals). All members of the group participate in dance routines during the performance. [GLAM CHOPS PLAY ROOM 2]