The W.i.f.e
The W.i.f.e were formed mid 2004 when guitarist Kelly Appleton, sick of Gareth Gates and the like, placed an ad in NME reading NO MORE POP IDOL! Many auditions later and the most suitable candidates to fulfill the bands slogan (Punk-rock no Cock) were selected... Miss Vicky Ryall - singing cockney with a penchant for all things sick and twisted (and hamsters) Miss Laura Layton - super chilled bassist, find her at the bar in a cloud of smoke, vodka in hand Miss Zel Kaute - drummer (just about sums it up!) and of course the founder: Miss Kelly Appleton - Guitarist. All smiling, all pouting, short skirted rock monster. The band have written and recorded a demo and are currently gigging at a venue near you...