Capital "x"
Capital "x" was born in Brooklyn, New York. His parents migrated to New York from Puerto Rico during the "Great Migration" in the 1950's after Puerto Rico's official status was changed to "Commonwealth". It was a time when discrimination was rampant in the United States and it was no different in New York. As stated by Lolita Lebr??n, there were signs in restaurants which read "No dogs or Puerto Ricans allowed". Struggling to find his place throughout his life "X" spent nearly half of his life trapped within the web of the criminal justice system, a fate that is all to common for young Blacks and Latinos in America. No stranger to struggle it was no surprise that "X" took after his uncles who were imprisoned for their political practices within the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party fighting for Puerto Rico's Independence. While serving time in Leesburg State Prison in New Jersey Capital-"X" transformed himself into a prisoners rights activist. Inspired by his uncles and the likes of Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos, George L Jackson, Malcolm X and countless others "X" educated himself to stand up against the very system he felt set out to destroy him and countless others. A very strong opponent of capitol punishment Capital-"X" now spends most of his time traveling across the US as well as over seas speaking and performing to educate and enlighten the masses on what he considers to be the truth about a corrupt and unjust legal system that he compares to the slave trade of the past. Intertwining facts gathered by years of extensive study in criminology, penology, law, personal experience and the experiences of fellow captives with hip hop music "X" intoxicates audiences with what he calls Raptivism. Calling himself the Voice of the Voiceless a title borrowed from "perhaps the best known Death-Row prisoner in the world", political rights activist/award winning journalist Mumia Abu Jamal, Capital-"X" claims to be the spokesman for over 2.5 million captives held in US prisons. He is a core member of The Anti-Injustice Movement and a member of Guerrilla Republik.